Happy Sunday, friends! Does anyone else get total Sunday blues?! The weekend always seems to fly by so fast and I feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything we need to.
Yesterday, Aiden and I spent most of the day running errands, doing endless loads of laundry, cleaning and trying to get organized for the week. Thankfully, we were able to accomplish quite a bit, which left me feeling inspired and refreshed today.
As so many people warn, having a baby is no joke and it definitely takes a toll on you both physically and mentally. Between everything we have going on, finding “me” time feels so far and few between. I’ve been making a tremendous effort to do things that I enjoy or that make me happy. Even if these things are super small, doing something for myself makes me feel recharged and motivated to give 100 percent to my family. So, if you’re feeling unmotivated or burnt out, here are a few things that help me feel refreshed and ready to conquer each day:
Wake up early! Why not get ahead of things, right? There is nothing worse than being rushed and scattered in the morning. Instead, give yourself extra time before you have to conquer your daily tasks. I’ve always been a morning person and never realized how thankful I would be for that until now. Waking up before Aiden has been the key to starting off my day in a happy and organized fashion. I’m so thankful for the time that I have in the morning to go downstairs, grab some coffee, put the dogs food out, pick out our outfits and freshen up a little bit. Usually, I don’t have more than 30 minutes, but this small amount of time makes the world of a difference for my overall mood throughout the day.
Get ready! I promise this will change so many things about your day. I have always loved to get ready and I’m such a believer in the saying “look good, feel good”. It’s just as easy to wake up and put on a cute dress, as it is to throw on sweat pants. That being said, there are days where I don’t feel like getting totally ready because I’m just doing things around the house, but I always fix my hair, wash my face and throw on a fresh outfit.
Set Daily Goals! Create a list of things you want to accomplish each day. Every night before going to bed, I reflect on everything I accomplished earlier in the day and then write down all of my goals for the upcoming day. It’s so fulfilling to see a list of daily tasks completely crossed off my list and I love being able to see how productive my day was.
Do Something That Makes YOU Happy! It’s easy to give 110 percent to everyone else and let yourself completely slip. Try to treat yourself (at least) once a week to something that makes you happy. I try to put on a facemask, catch up with friends, read a little bit of my book/magazine or pick up my favorite restaurant for lunch. Whether its big or small, try to do something special for yourself. You deserve it!
Find Something or Someone that Motivates You! I think its super important to have outside sources that motivate us. I follow a few blogger moms who appear to have their shit completely together. When I feel overwhelmed or scattered, it’s nice to be able to see what their doing during the day. I’m super competitive and motivated by others, so for me, finding people who are organized, successful and put-together completely drives me to be better.
Most importantly, remember that everyday is a fresh start and a new opportunity! Do something that makes you happy and find things that fuel your fire, you’ll thank yourself later!